A book to communicate offshore renewable energy to children
Gaia's Energy Adventure follows one girl's journey of discovery as she learns about the clean energy solutions that can mitigate the climate crisis. The book aims to communicate the often complex subject of offshore wind, wave and tidal energy to 4-6 year olds as well as encouraging girls and those from other underrepresented groups to consider a career in engineering.
Gaia explores the engineering and environmental aspects of offshore renewable energy and learns how these technologies can harness energy from the wind and oceans giving us a better, brighter future.
Read more about Gaia's Energy Adventure.

The Journey to the Bottom of the Celtic Sea
"Journey to the Bottom of the Celtic Sea", explores the development of Floating Offshore Wind in the Celtic Sea. This video, which features Supergen ORE Hub Director Professor Deborah Greaves, and colleagues from the University of Plymouth, explores the proposed developments and enhances our understanding of the seabed, technologies and the opportunities it offers the South West.
Resources for young people
We’ve gathered links to a selection of free online resources so you can learn about the awe-inspiring technologies that harness the power of the wind and the sea.
There are many renewable energy solutions, such as solar and biomass that will contribute to our future energy mix. The below resources tend to focus on our specialist subjects - wind, wave and tidal energy:
- Listen to a reading of Gaia’s Energy Adventure.
- Watch Exeter Science Centre's visit to a wave tank and learn about marine energy from the engineers who work there (key stage 4, age 14-16)
- Watch a BBC Bitesize video to find out where wind energy comes from.
- Watch a TED-Ed introduction to renewable power.
- Watch a World Economic Forum video about Sweden’s plans to be entirely powered by renewable energy by 2040.
- Watch a BBC Bitesize video to learn about wave energy and the different designs of wave energy converters.
- Listen to Engineer Academy explore wind farms.
- Watch a BBC Bitesize video to learn about tidal energy.
- Explore a FunKids Wave Energy fact file.
- Listen to a FunKids discussion about the energy dilemma
- Watch Interesting Engineer’s video about Costa Rica’s ambitious renewable energy goals.
All external links provided are correct at the time of publication. We exclude all liability for loss incurred when using these third-party websites.
Teaching resources
To help teachers spark curiosity in wind, wave and tidal energy solutions, we've compiled a list of online teaching resources to inspire and inform.
Triton Knoll - Teachers pack and video exploring offshore wind careers.
Energising Futures - Real-world challenge activities.
Blue Gem Wind - Worksheets in English and Welsh with supporting animation video.
Renewables UK - Information on choosing a career in wind, wave and tidal energy (requires registrations with the STEM Learning website.
Tethys - A compilation of resources on the environmental effects of marine energy, including worksheets, videos and an online game.
Sofia Wind Farm - Resources and videos about offshore wind.
BBC Bitesize - Videos and resources explaining tidal energy.

Supergen ORE Hub Teaching Resources
We plan to develop free teaching materials to inspire pupils about the awe-inspiring technologies and exciting career opportunities in offshore renewable energy. If you'd like copies of our existing resources or if you would like to help us shape new resources, please contact us.
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