The Supergen ORE Hub Research Landscape is an interactive web-based landscape tool which will bring together and help communicate UK based offshore wind, wave and tidal energy research. The Research Landscape will enable industry, government and researchers to share opportunities and challenges across challenge themes, and allows researchers to promote ORE projects to the wider community.

Explore our Research Landscape
Our web-based interactive research landscape tool
Many industry roadmaps have been developed for Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE). These roadmaps are generally on a sectoral basis (for offshore wind and marine, with wave and tidal often considered together). To develop the area strategy for the Supergen ORE Hub, and its associated programme of Core and Flexible Fund supported research, we have synthesised these roadmaps and undertaken an extensive consultation exercise with industry, our Advisory Board, Research Alignment Group and other key research groups to produce an interactive web tool that can be explored to find the latest research in offshore renewable energy. The tool is intended for use by multiple stakeholders, including the general public, industry, policy makers and academia.
An introduction to our Research Landscape
The research landscape tool provides a set of key research themes which are listed in an interactive panel on the left of the landscape. Selecting a research theme from this list will highlight a number of current research challenges within the theme on the landscape. When a numbered research challenge is selected on the landscape, more information is presented in the form of a summary 'card', which sets out key information about the context, scope and status of the research challenge, with an option to ‘delve deeper’.
Following the 'delve deeper' link allows you to read full information about the research challenge, including providing direct links to relevant research projects.
To return to the research landscape you can either click ‘landscape’ in the top right-hand corner, or ‘return to homepage’ at the end of the page.
Include details of research papers or projects
The research landscape will be updated on a regular basis so please keep checking back to find links to new and relevant research projects.
We would also like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both past and present, for inclusion within the landscape.
Therefore, if you have a UK-based research project within an area of ORE that you feel is relevant to a specific research theme or challenge within the Research Landscape, you can find a link under the 'Delve Deeper' research status section within any of the research challenges in the landscape. This will take you to an online form to provide further details, which the Supergen ORE Hub will review for consideration. Alternatively, you can access the form directly from the website.