The Supergen ORE Hub hosts bi-monthly webinars that share the latest insights and innovations in offshore renewable energy research. As part of our ambition to accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy, we aim to spotlight pertinent research for the wider community and provide a platform for the foremost ORE researchers. Information on upcoming and previous webinars are shared below.

Postponed: webinar 

The use of Dynamic Bayesian Network Modelling for the Spatial and Temporal Understanding of Marine Ecosystem Dynamics

Chaired by: Dr Neda Trifonova, University of Aberdeen

Due to unforeseen circumstances this webinar had to be postponed. The new date will be announced soon. 


Dr Trifonova will discuss the use of machine learning techniques to understand the ecosystem-level effects at regional and shelf-wide scales following the deployment of large-scale offshore wind and under alternative fishing and climate change scenarios. Bayesian ecosystem models will be discussed with a focus on how they can be used to predict the cumulative effects on the population trends across a range of species and to link these outputs to changes in ecosystem services and natural capital to assess the environmental and socio-economic benefits and trade-offs.

Speaker Biography

Dr Neda Trifonova is an Advanced Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen. Her expertise is in the application of machine learning techniques such as Bayesian networks and their use as whole ecosystem approaches to understand species interactions across space and time and their interactions with natural and anthropogenic factors. Currently, Dr Trifonova works on the ECOWind Programme, PELAgIO project to build an ecosystem-level understanding of projected changes following the development of large-scale offshore wind and climate change to support the development of evidence-based policy and marine management. 

Join us for this lunchtime webinar - register your place now.  

Previous webinars

Wind Farm Flows: Modelling approaches & challenges

Advantages of Numerical Simulations of Floating Structures in Offshore Environments and Pullout Capacity of Offshore Anchors in Spatially Variable Soil (July 2024)

Testing the Critical Link - Physical Testing of Dynamic Power Cables (May 2024)

The impacts of wind energy extraction on the physics and primary production in Scottish shelf waters (March 2024)

AI-Based Modelling, Digital Twin, and Control for Offshore Wind Energy (November 2023)

The development of a short design event approach for speeding up the prediction of design loads for floating wind turbines (January 2024)

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