Early Career Research (ECR) Network

A place to share, collaborate on, discuss and promote ORE research, get access to funding for ECRs, network at ECR Forum events and virtually through our online forum and contribute to the shape and running of the network.

How do we define an Early Career Researcher?

Post Doctoral Researcher Assistants (PDRAs)

Early career Academic Staff within the first three years of their academic appointment.

PhD Students within 12 months of completion who are exploring a future career in the ORE sector.

A core component of the Supergen ORE Hub is to establish and support a network of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) across the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Academic sector. This network aims to connect ECRs with more senior researchers, in the UK and internationally, to create a diverse and supportive community that nurtures the next generation of ORE research leaders.

If you're an Early Career Researcher working in the field of Offshore Renewable Energy you'll almost certainly be interested in our Network. We're creating opportunities to give you the following benefits:

  • Share, collaborate on, discuss and promote ORE research.
  • Get access to funding for ECRs.
  • Network at ECR Forum events and virtually through our online forum
  • Contribute to the shape and running of the network.

ECR Research Funding

The ECR Research Fund is designed to be a flexible fund for ECRs to support small activities that either supports and develops existing research activities, or develops career skills further. Funded research activities should be aligned with the objectives of the Supergen ORE Hub and be directed at offshore wind, wave or tidal energy research. Multi-disciplinary or multi-sectoral proposals to the fund are welcomed.

ECR Network Forum

A core component of the Supergen ORE Hub is to establish and support a network of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) across the ORE Academic sector. This network aims to connect ECRs with more senior researchers to create a diverse and supportive community that nurtures the next generation of ORE research leaders. The ECR Forum is a way for ECRs to come together and share their research and network with colleagues.

2025 Early Careers Researcher Forum

Key information

Monday 14 April 2025

  • Early Career Researchers Forum 9.30 - 17.30
  • Followed by evening Networking Reception 
  • Opportunity for registrants to present at the Annual Assembly 

Find out more and register


Masterclass Programme 

A series of 1 or 2-day, highly specialised masterclasses covering key themes across offshore renewable energy. Hosted by leading research centres, these masterclasses provide in-depth knowledge and practical insights for professionals and academics in the offshore renewable energy field.


  • Advanced Experimental Fluid Mechanics for Offshore Renewable Energy. Read more. 
  • Real-Time Hardware-in-the-Loop Experiments for Grid Integration of Offshore Renewable Energy Systems. Read more. 
  • Flow Modelling for Offshore Wind Turbine Loading & Farm Yield. Read more. 
  • Virtual Prototyping of Offshore Renewable Energy Technologies. Read more.

Survivability, Reliability and Design


  • Sensing for Offshore Renewable Energy Structures. Read more.

Resource and Environment

  • Offshore Geotechnics. Read more.
  • Environmental Contours & Extreme Value Analysis. Read more.
  • Optimising Offshore Renewable Energy Array Design and Locations for Safety, Fisheries Colocation and Environmental Aspects. Read more. 

Policy and Economics

  • Economic and Policy Analysis for Offshore Renewables. Read more.

Dates & Locations

  • Continues March 2025 until 2027, at leading research centres across the UK.

Register Now

  • Places in each masterclass are limited – register your place now. 

An update from the Supergen ORE Hub ECR Representatives

ECR Planning Forum meeting slides

Thank you to those who attended the Supergen ORE Hub ECR online planning forum on Tuesday 20 February 2024. For those who were unable to join, please find the slides from the meeting here. 

Feedback and contact details

We would like to encourage you to email us with any concerns or comments you would like us to bring up to the Supergen ORE Hub management board. Our emails are:

Best wishes,
Emma and Hannah - Supergen ORE Hub ECR Representatives

Become part of our ECR Network

Supergen ORE Hub Core Partners