In 2020, the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub along with the Supergen Energy Networks, Solar Network Plus, Bioenergy Hub and Storage Network Plus collaborated to develop a survey to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on our networks and stakeholders, to further support our equality, diversity and inclusion activities.

The questions in this report were designed so we could have a better understanding of our community’s view of best practice for inclusive events, for diversity in applications to Supergen funds, and in supporting researchers through a global pandemic.

A summary of some of the key findings are:

  • 44% of respondents have caring responsibilities, and therefore Hubs should consider caring responsibilities and their impact on the community with which we engage
  • In person events are preferred, however female respondents felt they had attended more events as a result of the move online.
  • Funding schemes should have at least a six week notice period
  • Proposal writing is more likely to be impacted by caring responsibilities, and given 28% of carers indicated caring for parents or partners, proposal timescales should be about more than avoiding school holidays
  • As a result of COVID, childcare and family caring responsibilities increased for a third (childcare) and a fifth (family care) of respondents with more impact for Asian/Asian British and Male respondents - most saw an increase of 1 to 10 hour.
  • Around half of respondents felt they could not undertake all of their normal work duties during COVID, and research activities were affected
  • About a fifth struggled with a suitable workspace during lockdowns

The full report can be found here.

The Supergen ORE Hub is dedicated to encouraging a supportive and inclusive culture. This report is part of a set of activities the Supergen ORE Hub are undertaking to support equality, diversity and inclusion. Find out more about our work in this area here.

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