About the Flexible Funding Awards

The Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Funding Awards have been established to allow UK researchers to respond to several key offshore renewable energy (ORE) engineering challenges, and to support project areas that complement existing research, fill gaps, or add cross-cutting activities to explore the transfer of research findings between ORE sectors. Find out more about previously funded projects.

Flexible Funding Brokerage Workshop - took place Thursday 4 July 2024

As part of the annual Flexible Funding call we held an online brokerage event in order to share call details, and facilitate industry-academia collaborations and develop high-quality submissions to the funding call.

The details of the funding call were discussed, including the requirements of our co-funders, Wave Energy Scotland and the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence. If you missed the workshop, you can catch up by watching the recording.

Facilitating industry-academia collaborations

A Miro board (an online whiteboard) has been created as a way for academics and industry representatives to share an outline of ideas/research needs to build collaborations to apply for Flexible Funding. To help guide this process, the Miro board has been split into the themes of our Research Landscape. We are aware that research can cross multiple themes, but please choose the area with which your research most closely aligns with. This Miro board will remain open until the deadline for Expressions of Interest has passed - 2 September 2024.

Access the Miro board and add your research idea/proposal.

Workshop Agenda

14:30 – 14:40: Welcome and an introduction to the 5th Flexible Funding Call – Prof Deborah Greaves, Director, Supergen ORE Hub

14:40 – 14:45: Brokerage event format (including use of the Miro Board HERE) - Prof Deborah Greaves, Director, Supergen ORE Hub

14:45 – 14:55: Co-funded call details – Elva Bannon, Research & Engineering Manager, Wave Energy Scotland

14:55 – 15:05: Co-funded call details – Andrew-Stormonth-Darling, Principal Portfolio Manager, OREC Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence

15:05 – 15:15: Open Q&A on Flexible Fund Call and Co-funded call details

15:15 – 16:30: Open pitch from delegates and use of the Miro Board to post collaboration requests

16:30 - Close

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