The University of Southampton’s Energy and Climate Change Division is pleased to be hosting the 11th PRIMaRE Conference on the 27-28 June 2024.

In the offshore renewable energy research community, the PRIMaRE conference has developed a reputation for being friendly and informal yet with high-quality technical sessions and workshops, warmly welcoming both industry and academia – including early stage PhD researchers.

Conference topics

  • Tidal/ocean current turbines
  • Wave energy devices
  • Offshore floating wind energy
  • Tidal range schemes
  • Hybrid renewable energy floating platforms
  • Economic, environmental, social, and policy aspects of offshore renewable energy

Registration and attendance at the conference is free. Find out more on the PRIMaRE website.

Supergen ORE Hub PRIMaRE Workshop: At Sea Component Testing for Offshore Renewables (ACTOR)

Key details

  • Date: Friday 28 June 2024
  • Time: 14:00 - 17:00 (subject to change)
  • Workshop location: Exact room to be confirmed (The Annex (building 2A) situated in the Highfield Campus, University of Southampton)

The UK needs rapid Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) expansion for Net Zero and climate change mitigation, energy security, green growth and jobs. The target of 50GW Offshore Wind by 2030 means building out ten times faster than at present. However, as development pushes into deeper water and more complex and challenging offshore environments, new floating technology and innovation is required. An offshore testing platform is a critical part of an integrated experimental testing ground for rapid proving for technology intended to operate in extreme hostile offshore environments.

Resulting from Supergen ORE Hub consultations with the ORE community, the University of Plymouth, in collaboration with ORE Catapult and PML are leading a proposal for a new “At-Sea Component Testing Facility for Offshore Renewables” (ACTOR). The aim of the workshop is to share details of the proposal and consult with the ORE community to further refine the use cases and specifications for the new facility.

To accelerate and de-risk ORE expansion, the aim for ACTOR is to establish an offshore floating laboratory (OffLab) to generate data pipelines in a ‘controlled’ offshore environment in parallel with a globally leading infrastructure of virtual ORE replicas (V-ORE). This will enable representations of real-world ORE assets, processes, and systems in their natural environment.


14.00 - 14.10 Welcome and update on the ACTOR proposal – Professor Deborah Greaves, Director of the Supergen ORE Hub and Professor in Ocean Engineering, University of Plymouth

14.10 - 15.20 Panel member presentations:

  • Professor Campbell Booth - Vice Dean – Research, Faculty of Engineering, University of Strathclyde
  • Met Office representative (to be confirmed)
  • Professor Matthew Palmer - Head of Science - Digital Innovation & Marine Autonomy, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • Offshore Renewable Energy representative (to be confirmed)
  • Jeremy Nahon, Software R&D Engineer - Akselos
  • Tim Stiven - The Crown Estate (to be confirmed)
  • Dr Katie Blaney - Joint Head of Research Infrastructure, EPSRC UKRI

15.20 - 15.45 Refreshment Break

15.45 - 16.45 Plenary panel discussion and Q&A

16.45 - 17.00 Next steps and close – Professor Deborah Greaves

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