About the project

Principal Investigator: Dr Marcin Kapitaniak

The UK and other coastal nations urgently need locally manufactured, cost-effective floating wind turbines that require less port infrastructure and can operate in deep waters. These would expedite the deployment of offshore wind farms in view of UK’s investments and increase profitability of the developers who currently see minimal profits. To tackle this issue, the project will focus on modelling the port assembly, integration, and deployment of a series of floating wind turbine designs to better understand requirements and limitations of the existing infrastructure. This will in turn allow better construction, planning and utilisation of the locally available equipment and co-existence with other port activities.

This project will develop physics-based digital engineering models of Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) technologies and ports, that will provide not only a realistic visual representation but also facilitate detailed studies under various environmental conditions such as wind, tides, currents, and waves.

This project has been co-funded with the ORE Catapult Floating Offshore Wind Centre of Excellence

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