Supergen ORE Hub Assembly - Registration open

The Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub organise an Annual Assembly to connect those working in the offshore wind, wave and tidal energy sectors as an opportunity to explore and debate cutting-edge research. Find out about the latest opportunities and challenges and network with the offshore renewable community, including academics, industry professionals and policymakers.

This assembly will be in person only, although recorded materials will be available following the Assembly via the Supergen ORE Hub website.

Speaker announcements and further details to follow.

Venue: In person at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Southampton Grand Harbour West Quay Road Southampton SO15 1AG

About the Annual Assembly
The Assembly will host a range of speakers providing updates on the latest developments in ORE research and innovation. This will include briefings from our Co-Directors on the core research being undertaken by the Hub, introductions to the Hub's Flexible Funded projects as well as the latest developments from industry. The Assembly will be an opportunity to showcase and celebrate ORE research and discuss plans for future activities to support ORE towards 2030 and beyond.

Assembly Programme
A detailed programme will be released soon.

Available places will be limited so please register your place by using the link provided above.

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